Studies on Fermentation Process and Dynamics of Thermostable β-glucanase 热稳定性β-葡聚糖酶发酵工艺及发酵动力学研究
This kind of phenomenon can be explained with the phase change process dynamics theory. 从析晶相变过程动力学角度可探讨此现象的机理。
Study on the Process and Apparent Dynamics for the Preparation of Diaminopropane by the Ammonolysis of Dichloropropane; Curing Kinetics of Bisphenol-A Epoxy Resin with Polyamide by Isothermal Differential Scanning Calorimetry 二氯丙烷氨化合成丙二胺工艺及动力学研究等温DSC法研究聚酰胺与环氧树脂的固化动力学
A new preparing process of cast tungsten carbide particle/ medium manganese steel surface composites is developed in this study. The infiltration process dynamics that metal melt entered particle layer is analyzed. 开发了铸造碳化钨颗粒/中锰钢表面复合材料的制作新工艺,进行了金属液浸渗颗粒层过程动力学分析。
Moreover this paper also introduced the character and function of ADAMS simulation software, summarized the rationale and process of the dynamics simulation analysis by using the ADAMS/ Car module. 另外还介绍了ADAMS仿真软件的特点和功能,综述了利用ADAMS/Car模块进行动力学仿真分析的理论基础和分析过程。
The constraint programming, time series, flow control, state transitions, product development process dynamics, and the collaboration among processes were then analyzed. 对过程的约束规划、时序关系、流向控制、状态转移、动力学特性以及过程间的交互协调进行了详细的阐述和分析。
FCCU offers a unique challenge to control engineers by virtue of its complex process dynamics and the conflict between its operating constraints and the economic targets. 催化裂化装置具有复杂的过程动态特性,操作约束与经济目标之间存在矛盾,从而为自动控制提出了深入的研究课题。
This paper combine both character of Workflow technology and Web service technology, synthesize both advantage of existing process modelling methods and process dynamics generated methods, On this basis, proposed a users 'goal-oriented process generating pattern. 本文结合工作流技术和Web服务技术的特点,综合已有流程建模和流程动态生成方法的优点,提出了一种面向用户目标的流程生成模式。
It is very important to study soil erosion process and erosion dynamics on the loess slope, and it may influence the building of soil erosion prediction model. 坡面土壤侵蚀过程和机理历来是土壤侵蚀学界研究的重点,直接影响到土壤侵蚀预报模型的建立和发展。
In order to verify the performance of docking mechanism and to investigate docking process dynamics, a physical simulating test facility was designed according to the requirement of the space docking assignment in China. 为检验对接机构性能,研究对接过程动力学,根据我国对空间对接任务的要求,设计了全物理仿真试验台。
Earth system observation, earth system simulation, and coupling process dynamics, response dynamics and theory for adaptation and prediction. 地球观测系统与地球系统模拟以及耦合过程动力学、响应动力学、适应和预测理论。
New Study on Process Dynamics Analysis of the behavior of Fine Particulate Matter in Pulverized Coal Combustion 过程新论燃煤可吸入颗粒物迁移过程的动力学分析
Based on the analysis of cutting process and structure dynamics, the applicable conditions of this kind of FCC are presented. 基于切削过程与结构动态特性的分析,给出了这种控制策略的可用条件。
The start-up process and dynamics of Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed ( UASB) Reactors were discussed in this thesis. The effects of various factors on the product gas activity and the oxygen tolerance of anaerobic granular sludge ( AGS) were also discussed. 本论文主要论述了上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)反应器的启动过程及其动力学和不同因素对厌氧颗粒污泥产气与耐氧活性的影响。
Pattern and process of vegetation dynamics 植被动态的格局与过程
Study on Milling Process Dynamics Simulation System about the Process Parameter Optimization of NC Machine Tools 一种面向数控工艺参数优化的铣削过程动力学仿真系统研究
A relative mathematic model is constructed by analyzing the error factor resulting from the balance state observation curve of radium-radon and the process of dynamics. 本文通过分析常规计算镭氡平衡系数的误差因素及钻孔中镭氡平衡的动力学过程,建立了求解镭氡平衡系数的数学模型。
In addition, to four mixture of coal and saw-dust, a pure coal sample, a pure sawdust model combustion process has calculated dynamics parameter separately, and has carried on the check analysis and the research to various parameters. 此外,对四个煤木混合试样,一个纯煤样,一个纯锯屑试样的燃烧过程分别计算了动力学参数,并对各参数进行了对照分析及研究。
Introducing welfare function as testing criterion in the process of dynamics simulation and adopting welfare economics method to study energy issues and thus emphasizing the importance of individual welfare and social welfare. 强调了个人福利和社会福利的重要性,在动力学模拟的过程中引入福利函数作为检验系统是否良好的标准,并且采用了福利经济学方法研究能源问题。
It was shown that the special grouping method can simplify and quicken the process of molecular dynamics simulation. Furthermore, simulation's result reflects very well the process of transformation of protein molecule. 研究结果表明,适当分组的方法可以简化分子动力学模拟的计算过程,加快计算速度,而模拟结果反映了吸附过程中蛋白质分子构象变化过程。
Power Plant Thermal Process Dynamics and its Computer Simulation 电厂热工过程动力学及其计算机仿真技术
At present, in the simulator development process, dynamics modeling and motion platform design are nearly independent, so some problems appear subsequently such as matching debugging difficulty, high risk, and lack of theoretical guidance. 目前,在模拟器开发过程中,动力学建模与运动平台设计往往各自独立进行,后续联调过程中存在着匹配调试困难、危险性高等问题,缺乏理论指导。
The actual forming process is a dynamics process, base on the true producing condition, the mechanical model is established. Using the finite element software, the landscape orientation transmogrification process is numerical simulated. 实际的冷弯成型过程本身是一个动力学过程,依据横向变形的真实过程建立力学模型,使用大型有限元软件对冷弯成型过程中板材的横向变形进行数值模拟。
In this paper, the manned lunar landing project as background, Study on the docking process dynamics of this docking program. 本文就是以载人登月工程为背景,研究这种对接方案的对接过程的动力学仿真问题。
After analyzing the characteristic of the tire properties and obtaining the initial stable dynamics parameters, the iteration cycle process of solving dynamics differential equation has been established. 在分析轮胎力学性能的基础上,确定了初始稳定行驶的动力学参数,设定了求解动态微分方程的迭代流程。
Then, this paper introduces the basic principle and process of molecular dynamics simulation. 介绍了分子动力学的基本原理和模拟方法,并对比讨论了各种方法的适用性。
Fluid usually has a size not only responsible for generating dynamic, but in the actual production process, the dynamics and materials are often associated with. 通常流体只负责产生体积而不生成动态,但在实际的制作过程中,动态和材质往往都是具有关联性的。
In chapter 4, the model design, calculation, experimental principle, testing process of nonlinear dynamics experiment of composite structure are introduced. 第4章主要介绍了索-梁组合结构非线性动力学实验模型的设计、计算、实验原理及测试过程。
Anaerobic phosphorus release and aerobic phosphorus uptake dynamics model were established and the substrate removal rate constant was derived by analyzing the A/ O biological phosphorus removal process dynamics, which was validated by the datas of the First Period Zhen An Wastewater Treatment Plant. 通过开展A/O生物除磷工艺动力学分析,建立了厌氧释磷与好氧吸磷动力学模型,推导出工艺底物去除速率常数,并根据镇安污水厂一期工艺实际运行数据进行了模型验证。
However, problems still exist, such as protected groups narrow range, the legal system imperfect, implementation process lacks dynamics, relief system scarce of all need further corresponding to perfect. 但是,问题仍然存在,比如受保护的群体范围比较窄、法律体系不够完备、执行过程中缺乏力度,救济制度相应匮乏等都需要进一步去完善。